Experience Saves Time, Improves Quality, and Provides Greater Value
Wohlford Consulting has a broad range of client experience to help maximize the success of your study, including:
- Over 80 different jurisdictions in California and seven other states, including cities, counties, special districts, universities, and states;
- Clients ranging from small towns to some of the largest and most iconic cities and counties in their respective states;
- 250+ user fee, cost allocation, operational analysis, and other cost of service analysis studies; and
- Studies covering over 30 different operational areas of government, including:
Administration & Management
Agriculture Commissioner Animal Control Building & Safety Cannabis
Cemetery Child Support
Clerk Code Enforcement Dispatch Engineering
| Environmental Health
Facility Rentals
Financial Services Fire Prevention & Operations Fleet
Human / Social Services Land Development
Lifeguard Mental Health Parking
| Planning
Police / Sheriff / Jail
Port Operations Probation Public Health Public Works Records Recreation & Parks Revenue Recovery Support Services Transportation